I wanted to personally reach out to you all during these unprecedented times.
Everyone here at Alliance Paper is committed to providing the best possible service during this set of exceptional circumstances that we all currently face. It is therefore probably timely to confirm that we are very much open for business and ready to supply our customers including those in our critical industries with the Thermal receipt rolls they all need to keep trading.
We are in daily contact with our logistics partners – all of whom support the delivery of our products and we are here to support Australian businesses as much as we can.
As we all now accept that hand contact with cash is a high-risk virus transfer issue, the need for receipting processes to function seamlessly has become even more important. Alliance Paper remains at the forefront of Thermal receipt converting and we acknowledge that as an essential part of the retail business we need to continue to meet the increased demand of our supermarket customers and in fact all of our customers that are re-assessing how they do business.
We understand that many of you are struggling right now and recognize that you are looking at ways to change the way you do business to comply with the Government rules around closures and social distancing.
If you are in the hospitality industry and taking more takeaway and deliveries, you may well use more receipt rolls than usual. If you are in retail, you may well be using fewer rolls and watching the operational costs on everything in your business.
Regardless of what your situation might be, we are here to help if we can.
If your needs for products are changing, if your specification needs to change, or we need to work with you and your cashflow – call us for a chat.
We are all in this together and the success of Australian Business relies on us all to do our part.
Jon Williams
Managing Director
Alliance Paper Pty Ltd